Printmaking assistance on Patreon
I have a Patreon page as a place to extend the content I share on social media, the content goes into much more depth about how my work is created and why I am making certain decisions. I also provide helpful techniques, tips, resources for linocut printmakers and share demonstration videos.
The content is suitable for anyone wishing to improve their printmaking practise and in need of some input, assistance and inspiration. It also serves as on-going support for those who have attended my workshops. I am adding information and articles to my Patreon feed regularly, as and when subjects come to mind or upon request from my patrons. The information is arranged into themed collections and is tagged so you can see posts that cover topics that are relevant to you.
Some of the content is available if you sign up for free and the more in depth articles and videos require a small monthly contribution. You can easily switch from free to paid tiers and vice versa so you are in control of what you are paying at all times. Do take a look and see if it is something you will benefit from.