Landscape Artist of the Year
18 January 2022
I’m finally able to announce that last year I had the pleasure of being a wild card entry for Landscape Artist of the year. The new series started airing on Sky Arts on the 12th January, I was a wildcard for the episode at Whitstable which airs on the 26th January.
I had planned to paint as surely lino would be too tricky? But at the last minute, when I saw that the weather was likely to be fine, I decided to try doing lino and put together a plein-air lino printing kit. It worked a treat and I was able to a reduction lino outside, on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year!
(Adding for continuity in 2025)
Here is the finished print I achieved on the day:
I was very chuffed that my final print reveal was featured on the show. I didn't win the wild card, another printmaker did!
On my Patreon I now have an article about my experience and the technical side of printing en plein air. (You will need to be a member of my Patreon to read it.)